Dentist Resources

University of Maryland Dental School talk January 2021.


Download the Dentist Well-Being Programs Handbook (PDF).


  • Setting the standard for recovery: Physicians’ Health Program (PDF)
    Robert L. DuPont, M.D., A Thomas McLellan, Ph.D., William L. White, M.A., Lisa J. Merlo, Ph.D., Mark S. Gold, M.D.
    Published by the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2009.
  • Five year outcomes in a cohort study of physicians treated for substance use disorders in the United States (PDF)
    Thomas McLellan, chief executive officer, Gregory S Skipper, medical director2 Michael Campbell, research scientist, Robert L DuPont, president
    Published by
  • How are Addicted Physicians Treated? (PDF)
    A national survey of physician health programs.
    Robert L. DuPont, M.D., A. Thomas McLellan, Ph.D., Gary Carr, M.D., Michael Gendel, M.D., Gregory E. Skipper, M.D.
    Published by the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2009.
  • Impact of Drug Abuse/Dependence on Dentists (PDF)
    Eric Y.K. Fung, PhD and Brian M. Lange, PhD
    Published in January 26, 2011 in General Dentistry by Academy of General Dentistry.
  • Addiction: Pulling at the Neural Threads of Social Behaviors (PDF)
    Nora D. Volkow, Ruben D. Baler, and Rita Z. Goldstein
    Published February 24, 2011 edition of Neuron Vol. 69 Issue 4.2
  • When Dentists Do Drugs: A Prescription for Prevention (PDF)
    Eric K. Curtis, DDS, MAGD
    Published in Jan/Feb 2011 issue of Today’s FDA.
  • The Talbott Recovery Medication Guide (PDF)
    A guide to maintaining sobriety while receiving treatement for other health problems. Published by Talbott Recovery Campus, April 2008, Bruce Merkin, MD, and Paul H. Earley, MD, FASAM.
  • Management of the Addicted Dental Patient (PDF)
    Harold L. Crossley DDS, Ph.D., Omar Jones, DDS and Robert K. White, LCPC
    In 1991, the American Dental Association (ADA) passed a policy statement recognizing drug dependence as a disease. This policy statement stipulated that dentists have the responsibility to identify patients who are actively addicted to drugs or who are in recovery. Dentists must include, in their patient health history, questions that address drug addiction and substance use. A positive response may require the dentist to alter the treatment plan and eventual dental care of the patient…
  • Outcome Study of Substance Impaired Physicians and Physician Assistants Under Contract with North Carolina Physicians Health Program for the Period 1995-2000 (PDF)
    Oswald H. Ganley, PhD, PA-C Warren J. Pendergast, MD Michael W. Wilkerson, MD Daniel E. Mattingly, PA-C
    The objective of this 6-year retroactive chart review is to compare outcome between chemically dependent physicians and physician assistants under contract with the North Carolina Physicians Health Program (NCPHP). Of 233 physicians 91% had a good outcome, compared to only 59% of 34 physician assistants in this sample (significant by Chi-Square method, 99.99% confidence). Fifteen percent of physicians and 37 percent of physician assistants were female with basically the same outcome. Alcohol, followed by opioids, was the predominant substance used by both groups…
  • Recognizing the Drug Abuser (PDF)
    Harold L. Crossley DDS, Ph.D., Omar Jones, DDS and Robert K. White, LCPC
    Telling the difference between a legitimate patient and a drug abuser isn’t easy. The drug-seeking individual may be unfamiliar to you. They could be a person who claims to be from out-of-town and has lost or forgotten a prescription of medication. Or the drug seeker may actually be familiar to you such as another practitioner, co-worker, friend or relative. Drug abusers or “doctor-shoppers” often possess similar traits. Recognizing these characteristics is the first step to identifying the drug-seeking patient who may be attempting to manipulate you in order to obtain desired medications…
  • Prescribing Recommendations for the Treatment of Acute Pain in Dentistry (PDF)
    Elliot V. Hersh, DMD, Ms, PhD; WilliamT. Kane, DDs, Mba; Michael G. O’neil, PharmD; George A. Kenna, PhD, rPh; Nathaniel P. Katz, MD; Stephanie Golubic, DMD, Mbe; and Paul A. Moore, DMD, PhD, MPH
    This article combines an evaluation of the available evidence with current prescribing patterns to provide dental practitioners prescribing recommendations for acute pain, based on the anticipated severity of post-procedural pain. Published in the April 2011 issue of COMPENDIUM Vol. 32, number 3.

Recovery Resource List

ADA Dentist Well-Being and Assistance

800-621-8099, ext. 2622

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Grand Central Station
PO BOX 459
New York, NY 10163
800-ALCOHOL Hotline

Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc. (CODA)

PO BOX 33577
Phoenix, AZ 85067-3577

Narcotics Anonymous, Inc. (NA)

PO BOX 9999
Van Nuys, CA 91409

Al-Anon Family Groups, Inc. (AFG)

Midtown Station
PO BOX 862
New York, NY 10018
800-344-2666 Family Support Groups Referral Hotline
800-356-9996 Al-Anon/Alateen Hotline

Cocaine Anonymous (CA)

PO BOX 1367
Culver City, CA 90232
800-COCAINE National Cocaine Hotline

Families Anonymous, Inc. (FA)

PO BOX 528
Van Nuys, CA 91408
312-637- 1656

Inpatient Rehab Facilities in Baltimore, MD presents a vast online database of exclusive luxury programs for drug and alcohol rehab in the Baltimore area.

National Mental Health Association

800-969-6642 Hotline

Start Your Recovery

Start Your Recovery is a free, confidential tool that helps individuals take steps toward a healthy relationship with drugs and alcohol. It was developed with the input of leading clinicians, experts from leading organizations like SAMHSA, and people in recovery themselves. Start Your Recovery helps people deal with substance use issues and find support.

Addiction Recovery Centers in Baltimore, MD provides help to people who are challenged by drug and alcohol abuse. You can see reviews and ratings for the top rehabilitation clinics around Baltimore, MD.

Resource List for Professionals In Maryland


The Dentists’ Well-Being Committee

Robert White, MA, CEAP, Clinical Coordinator

Dental Hygienists

Dental Hygiene Well-Being Committee


The Nurse Rehabilitation Program
Emmaline Woodson, RN, Director


Pharmacists’ Rehabilitation Committee
Tony Tommasello, P.D., President
Milton Moskowitz, Chairman


MEDCHI Physician Rehabilitation Program
Michael Llufrio, CCDC, Program Director
Stanley Platman, MD, Chairman


Colleague Assistance Committee
Maryland Psychological Association
Mark Ginsberg, PhD, Chairman


Podiatrists Rehabilitation Committee
Brian Kashan, DPM, Chairman

Physician Assistants

Physician Assistants Rehabilitation Program
Dennis Cammarano, Chairman


Lawyer Counseling Program
Jim Quinn
Director of Lawyer Assistance Program
Maryland State Bar Association
520 W. Fayette Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
410-685-7878 x3041 main
443-703-3041 direct
800-492-1964 toll-free

Self-Help Groups

Alcoholics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous


Suicide Resources

Suicide Prevention (a resource guide on emergency assistance, warning signs & prevention of suicide in college students)

Dentist Well-Being Directories

The Talbott Recovery Medication Guide (PDF)
A guide to maintaining sobriety while receiving treatement for other health problems. Published by Talbott Recovery Campus, April 2008, Bruce Merkin, MD, and Paul H. Earley, MD, FASAM.