The Dentist Well-Being Program
How is a Dentist Referred?
Family members, employees, associates or friends concerned about a dentist often contact the Dentist Well-Being Committee. Many dentists are self-referred.
Is the Process Punitive?
No. The Dentist Well-Being Committee acts as an advocate for the dentist with the State Board of Dental Examiners, insurance companies and law enforcement agencies as long as the dentist is compliant with treatment.
What Happens After a Referral?
The Committee first determines if the dentist actually has a problem. The dentist is contacted and urged to meet with the Clinical Coordinator. If there is a problem then the dentist is referred for an evaluation. If treatment is recommended then a treatment agreement is drawn up between the dentist and the Committee.
Family Questions
The Committee welcomes calls and questions from family members that may be concerned about a dentist. We will work confidentially to provide assistance, support and guidance about the best way to intervene and assist a dentist with a problem.
Is the Information Given to the Committee Confidential?
All information held by the Dentist Well-Being Committee is considered strictly confidential. Records are kept by the Clinical Coordinator and are not at the offices of the Maryland State Dental Association. With the exception of those cases that are referred to the Committee by the State Board or those cases that are a danger to themselves or others, no information is released without the dentist’s written consent.
State Board of Dental Examiners
The Committee receives referrals from the State Board of Dental Examiners and is requested to evaluate, refer to treatment and monitor certain cases. In these instances, the case is not completely confidential because it was referred by the Board and was not a self-referral. However, the Committee still serves a very important function in terms of advocating for the dentist that complies with the treatment agreement and monitoring requirements.
This program was awarded the Golden Apple for Excellence in Dentist Well-Being Activities in 2006 by the American Dental Association (ADA). This is a national award that is only given to one program per year.