Rob White and Robert Miller Help Form NCDHP

Clinical Director Rob White and Chairman Robert Miller have joined seven colleagues from other state wellness programs around the country to form the National Council of Dentist Health Programs (NCDHP).


The goals are to increase awareness of state programs and provide networking, resources, collaboration opportunities, and education tailored to the needs of dentist health programs and staff, with emphasis on substance use disorders.

NCDHP Partnerships and Events

During an initial national Zoom meeting in May 2023, they were joined by over half of the state programs from around the country.

NCDHP has joined with the well-established Federation of State Physician Health Programs and attended their annual meeting in May in Minneapolis, which was a fantastic conference and very informative. The dental group is taking advantage of their organizational structure and educational offerings to help the NCDHP program get established.

Representatives of the ADA also attended the conference and have invited members of the NCDHP to a summit conference at the ADA in Chicago in September 2023 to discuss the future of state dentist programs and the role of the ADA.